The gaming room of Nono-Binks

Joypad created with Paint ?

There is no other reason for this joypad than my annoyance.

So I just wanted to create something with Paint, which is not well reputated for its creation abilities. But I find that the result is not so bad.

I would advice that you open the picture in their original sizes to have the best quality as possible.

A preview of my joypad created with Paint

Click on the picture to access to the galery.

Who I am ?

On internet, man known me as Nono-Binks. As we like call yourself I'm a Retrogamer touched by the syndrome "It was better before". I own a lot of video game console since the seventies. Even if I assume to have a preference for Nintendo (until the Wii) I'm not afraid by a good Gears of war II.

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